11/3/10 Meeting Notes- Emergency Essentials

Katie Gillespie from Pierce County Emergency Management was our guest speaker. The meeting was held at the Evergreen Presbyterian Church atop Graham Hill. This church is considered the emergency Graham community shelter.

This year we are facing La Nina weather conditions. It is going to bring with it a lot more snow and rain. She wants us to to build a SEVEN day survival kit. Notice that they have updated it from the three day requirement because it would take at least six days for the federal government to get supplies to our local emergency management.

She also recommends that you have supplies in your car. Keep your tank at least half-full and don’t forget to include a shovel and kitty litter or sand for bad weather. If you get stuck in your car during a storm Katie recommended to have an “eye-catching” sign that says “HELP”. She also said you can keep a car warm for 24 hours if you carry a coffee can, candle, and matches. I am leary of this-I would think you would need a supply of fresh air so roll down the window a bit.
Designate a “meet-up” place for the family. Churches are good for this. Also, have an out of state phone number to call for everyone to check in with.

Click on and print this card out to keep it in your wallet or purse:

There is a system in place that will notify you of an emergency. It is called Pierce County Alert. This reverse 911 call system “allows you to sign up to get alerts on your cell phone, work phone, text message, e-mail, home phone and more.” Please register-this can be done on-line as well as filling out a physical form. If you would like more information call (253) 798-6595 or e-mail pcemermgmt@co.pierce.wa.us.

Remember not to get on your cell phone because it will crash the system if we all do. If you need to communicate send a text message if this is the only way you have.
A good source of supplies is Emergency Essentials.

On another subject-you may want to read an article that Wayne wrote about declining oil production. It is under the page links (at top or on right side) titled “Yes, John’s Still Driving”. It was very interesting!

Our December 1st meeting will be at the Graham Fire Station. Should we all bring cookies and celebrate the season?

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